The Even Tov Family
סיפור חיים

The Even Tov Family

The Even Tov Family
סיפור חיים


Left to right: Lea, Meir, and Channah Even Tov in front of their home in Metudela 4 in Jerusalem


מקום לידה



משפחה וחברים

Memoriz Plus RONIT Nikolsky

אתרים חיצוניים קשורים

The Even Tov Family

The Even Tov family connects to the Nikolsky family through Meir Even Tov, the maternal grandfather of Ronit Nikolsky.

"Even Tov" is a name of Spanish-Jewish origin, and it spread from Spain to the east to the Balkans, and other places under the Ottoman Empire.

The particular branch of Meir Even Tov comes from the city of Rugachev (Rahachow) in Belarus. Another close branch of the family comes from Gomel (Homel). Both branches know about each other, but the question of how they are connected is still a mystery.

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