The Nikolsky Family Site

The Nikolsky Family Site

The Nikolsky Family Site
Family branches

משפחה וחברים

Memoriz Plus RONIT NikolskyNoa Nikolsky

אתרים חיצוניים קשורים

The Nikolsky Family Site

Despite being the bottleneck of seven family lines, the Nikolsky family is tiny; it consists of two parents who are only children and two daughters.

A bunch of grandparents who are either single or one of two, expand the volume of the family a bit more.

Going one or two generations earlier (at the end of the 19th or beginning of the 20th century), the typical number of children was four to six, however, ties with these parts of the family do not exist anymore.

Searching for family stories of our ancestors is, therefore, our way of establishing ourselves in the family of humanity and all other living things, and to feel visible and connected.

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