Digitize your old memory media

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We all have priceless memories filed away in old photos, audio cassettes, video tapes, documents, and so on - and we all promise ourselves that one day we’ll take the time to turn them digital.

WHY WAIT? As time passes analog media like tapes tends to deteriorate – and irreplaceable records can be lost forever. With Memoriz+, you’ll make sure that they’re safely preserved for posterity.

EASY AS 1-2-3 To have all your materials converted, you simply load them all into a box, and we’ll take care of the rest. Our digitization specialist will contact you and arrange to pick it up your old media and have them converted and available to you digitally within 2 weeks, to use on your life story or memorial website.

WELCOME TO (THE NEW & IMPROVED) MEMORY LANE Revisiting memories is so much easier with digitized media.You’ll be surprised at how your old photos, videos, and other items come to life – telling the stories that were previously hidden away in all those cupboards and boxes. Now you can finally meet again.

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